What is this?

This is basically where I write down stuff that I work with at my job as a GIS Technical Analyst (previously system administrator). I do it because it's practical for documentation purposes (although, I remove stuff that might be a security breach) and I hope it can be of use to someone out there. I frequently search the net for help myself, and this is my way of contributing.

Friday, June 16, 2017

FME Workbench 2016 - Invalid character value for cast specification

I was working on a quite straight forward ESRI SDE (MSSQL) to MSSQL Spatial ETL workspace today when I ran into an issue which I couldn't find a solution for anywhere else.

Writing to a MSSQL table with a number of columns using various data types would fail and give me the following error: 

Failed to write a feature of type `dbo.MyTable' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217887) Invalid character value for cast specification'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO dbo.[MyTable] ([data_id], [localId], [namespace], [version], [originalRef], [program], [project], [projectdesc], [purpose], [assignee_id], [owner_id], [startDate], [endDate], [scale], [res], [method], [prec], [visibility], [methodAlt], [precAlt], [maxDev], [restrictions], [totQuality], [geometry]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'

Not much else in terms of useful information. I checked all the table columns and made sure all "not null"-columns had data, and that data passed to the writer matched the correct data type. The culprit ended up being the localId-column, who is a uniqueidentifier. It turns out that even though I read the uniqueidentifier value from a ESRI SDE it can't be written back to a MSSQL (spatial) writer without adding squiggly brackets. 

So if your SDE reader gives you: "f69dceae-3bc6-43e2-8279-78b25a23564c" you'll need to alter it to "{f69dceae-3bc6-43e2-8279-78b25a23564c}" before writing.

I suppose it makes perfect sense because when writing to a uuid-field using Python (arcpy) you will also encounter problem if you forget {}. This works in arcpy:

with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(myFeatureClass,("myField") as cursor:

This has happened to me before, but next time it happens I'll just check my own blogpost ;-)


  1. Thank you so much! You saved me so much frustration. The missing brackets were my issue as well. The UUID generator transformer does NOT wrap brackets around the attribute. Using an attribute setter to wrap my UUID/GUID field with {@attributeValue} before writing to MSSQLServer(non spatial)fixed it. What's interesting is that this wasn't a problem in FME2014 - it feels like a bug or something that should be automatically addressed by the FME writer.

  2. Wow! I am really impressed by the way you detailed out everything. It’s very informative and you are obviously very knowledgeable in this field. Thanks for sharing such an amazing post with us.

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