I then tried modifying settings for the data store. For MSSQL the default settings are:
max connections: | 10 |
min connections: | 1 |
fetch size: | 1000 |
connection timeout: | 20 |
validate connections: | enabled |
Use native geometry serialization: | disabled |
I ended up changing the settings to
max connections: | 20 |
min connections: | 5 |
fetch size: | 5000 |
connection timeout: | 20 |
validate connections: | disabled |
Use native geometry serialization: | enabled |
Performance got a real nice boost. I estmate that things are at least twice as quick now, and This is especially noticeable when the MSSQL server is also quite busy with other tasks (especially heavy disk/network activity during backup).
Especially the "validate connections" parameter seems to have a noticeable impact. According to the documentation this parameter increases the risk of client errors. I suppose I will have to monitor the services for a while to see if they remain stable.